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Facebook Reactions: What Do They Mean for Brands?

Posted by | March 22, 2016 | Social Media | No Comments

Facebook has introduced a few new additions to their “Like” feature with the rollout of Facebook Reactions, which are six new emoji’s that users can choose from to ‘react’ to a post. Not only does this allow users to express a variety of emotions, but it allows brands to learn how consumers are receiving their brand and gain insight as to what type of content their target audience is interested in.

We have included a brief overview of Facebook Reactions below that will help you understand what they are and how brands can learn from them.


What are Facebook Reactions?

Basically, Facebook Reactions are an extended version of the original “Like” button that come with an emoji. Now, instead of just “liking” a post, users can express their reaction to a post with “love,” “haha,” “yay,” “wow,” “sad” and “anger.”


How to Use Facebook Reactions

From a computer, users can hover over the “Like” button and the additional emoji’s will pop up on a floating panel where they can click on the desired reaction. On a mobile device, users have to hold down the “Like” button, and the rest of the emoji’s will pop up in a panel to choose from. Much like the use of the “Like” button, users can only use one reaction at a time. For example: You can’t “Wow” and “Love” the same post.


What Can Brands Learn from Facebook Reactions?  

Facebook Insights: Page Managers and Admins are now able to see an even more in-depth overview on post statistics including the full breakdown of reactions for each post, making it easy to see what content is most popular among their fan-base. This will allow brands to capitalize on content their fans are interested in as well as gauge what content works best for their brand.


Competitor Analysis: The new Facebook Reactions are also great for analyzing competitor pages and seeing what works and what doesn’t for a specific target audience. This gives brands the chance to see what is working for their competitors, and adjust their own content accordingly.


What do you think of the new Facebook Reactions? Comment below!


Don’t forget to Like our Facebook Page and use these reactions on our posts! 


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