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To launch a new, emerging brand and product line in the U.S. and Canadian marketplace.


Bambooee came to Avalon with a limited understanding of how Public Relations would support the extension of the brand and product line in the consumer market place. Avalon implemented a targeted strategy throughout the U.S. and Canadian consumer media to communicate the benefits of using the reusable, washable Bambooee product.

The strategy was two pronged in its approach. First, Avalon launched the brand and products as must-have component to any home and kitchen. Second, Avalon actively targeted health and environmental media for coverage of the brand and product as an important component to preserving the environment. By coordinating the official brand launch with Earth Day, Avalon was able to effectively pursue both opportunities for exposure at once.


Avalon’s efforts throughout the 18 month program to date have solidified the Bambooee product line in the consumer marketplace in the United States and Canada. By driving media awareness of the product line and driving sales to key retailers including Williams Sonoma and Costco in the U.S. and Giant Tiger and Sobeys in Canada, Avalon supported Bambooee’s sales efforts to expand the brand’s reach into the retail chain while also increasing overall consumer acceptance.

To date, Avalon’s efforts have generated hundreds of media impressions for the Bambooee product including national exposure in Good Morning America, Oprah.com, USA Today, Chatelaine, Woman’s World, Veg News, Parenting Magazine, Natural Health, Delicious Living, Modern Dog, City Style & Living, AM New York, Indianapolis Star, Cincinatti Enquirer, Sacramento Bee, Kentucky Enquirer, Seattle Times, and others.
Environmental and trade coverage are also very instrumental for Bambooee and Avalon’s successes have included placements in Natural Foods Merchandiser, Whole Foods Magazine, Natural Awakenings, Organic Authority, Tree Hugger, Envirothink, Center for a Better Life, New Hope 360, Record Searchlight and others.

Recently, the Avalon team has been focused on generating broadcast TV exposure for the brand and in addition to Good Morning America, coverage has included Fox 25, Fox 31, Fox 5, New Day, Morning Blend, King 5 and others.

Ready to talk about driving exposure for your brand and products? Contact us today