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To cultivate awareness of the latest superfood, Aronia, while driving consumer acceptance of the Superberries product line.

Strategy and Objectives:

Superberries enlisted Avalon’s help to promote the health benefits of the Aronia berry and increase awareness of their Aronia-based product line. The initial campaign was put in place to announce the company’s participation at the Expo East trade show in order to generate meetings with influential trade and consumer media attending the show. The six week program resulted in trade coverage in Grocery Headquarters, Nutritional Outlook, Progressive Grocer, Vitamin Retailer, Prepared Foods and Energy Times.

Subsequently, Superberries partnered with Avalon for a long-term PR program to support regional retailers by driving local exposure while promoting the product line throughout the national consumer media. Avalon also continued to educate the consumer and health media on the existence and benefits of the Aronia berry.


In a relatively short program to date (9 months), Avalon’s efforts have resulted in key coverage in Woman’s World, Marie Claire, Men’s Journal, Organic Spa, Natural Foods Merchandiser, Shelby Report, Chicago Daily Herald and others. Most impressively to date, the Aronia and Superberries were featured on the front cover of the Wall Street Journal as “America’s Next Top Super Berry”. The company has also been featured on an online article that ran on the home page of Yahoo and generated over 1,000 sales for the company in a matter of days.

Avalon continues to represent Superberries and is actively working towards establishing the Aronia and the Superberries product line as a household name.

Child Baby and Maternity Expo

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How do you educate the American Baby Product Industry on the International Opportunities for Business Growth?

Strategy and Objectives:

CBME, Child Baby and Maternity Expo of China came to Avalon Communications seeking Public Relations, Marketing, and Event Planning for a Business Seminar to be held at the ABC Expo in Louisville, Kentucky. The main challenge was time – with less than 6 weeks to research the attendees of the ABC Expo, Avalon’s main objective was to assist CBME in the translation and promotion of their exhibit at the Expo in order to attract ABC Exhibitors to the luncheon to learn more about the CBME Expo offered in China as well as other international locations.

While Avalon Communications niche is Consumer and Trade Media, we also specialize in event planning. With this fast and furious campaign, we had several objectives, including Event Planning, where we created a budget, secured a location for the luncheon, finalized the menu, secured bi-lingual interpreters from across the country, secured an event photographer, finalized the luncheon program and acted as the liaison between any vendors for the success of the event. Avalon Communications also facilitated onsite marketing of the luncheon to the attendees and exhibitors of the ABC Expo and coordinated social media to create buzz around the event to the attendees of ABC.


In only 4 weeks, Avalon successfully planned and executed the legwork for the team in China and secured nearly 100 RSVP’s to the U.S-based luncheon. By driving awareness of CBME and cultivating media relationships at the Expo, Avalon broadened CBME’s relationship with the ABC expo planning committee and solidified the partnership for the following year. Additionally, Avalon’s efforts effectively opened significant national and international opportunities with American companies in the baby/children’s industry for future years.

Ready to talk about driving exposure for your brand and products? Contact us today